Modernizing Healthcare and Simplifying Compliance

Your NPHIES-ready Solution for Compliance in Saudi Arabia

Medinous seamlessly integrates with NPHIES, supporting the modernization of healthcare infrastructure in Saudi Arabia. As a healthcare provider, you’ll find that our NPHIES-compliant software supports efficient collaboration between healthcare facilities, insurance companies, third-party administrators, public health agencies, and other crucial stakeholders. 

For clinics and hospitals aiming to meet the regulatory requirements of NPHIES platform, our healthcare management solutions provide easy access to comprehensive up to date patient data and simplify insurance and claims management process. 


Medinous ensures NPHIES compliance for efficient collaboration, streamlined insurance and claims management across Saudi Arabia.

Features of NPHIES Integration:

Unified Platform for integrated healthcare
Better coordination with public health agencies, insurance providers and third party administrators
Automated billing and patient data management to streamline workflows
Streamline claim preparation with NPHIES-compliant coding
Internal mapping between healthcare facility codes and NPHIES codes.
Billing module fully compatible with CCHI-BS codes

What makes Medinous your best decision ever

  • Robust product perfected over a couple of decades with extensive R&D and innovation
  • Presence in 14+ countries
  • Excellent customer support
  • Long standing customers with decades of relationship
  • Fully compliant with highly configurable Billing and Insurance Modules
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hospital information system software