What General Stores and Inventory offers to you

Better inventory control with optimized store operations

Medinous’ General Stores and Inventory Management module efficiently manages the inventory and housekeeping duties of hospital staff, resulting in higher overall productivity. The General Stores module provides a real-time view of equipment and facilities required for the optimal running of maintenance activities.


A comprehensive view of items available also allows for smarter procurement of items, covering all aspects of the procurement cycle, from ordering to issuing, to delivery to end users.

Some features of the general stores and inventory management module:

Master pages to create groups, sub-groups, units, suppliers, and items
Ability to create templates for different forms of item purchase
Sub-store operations and departmental cycle from request to transfer
Purchase order for cash, non-stock items, emergency purchase and services
Availability of supplier management and supplier payment bucket facility
Creation of sub-ledger account in financial accounting for supplier master record
Handling of expired items with return to suppliers or destroy of expired items
Stock requisitions from sub-stores and corresponding management
Quotation entry and comparison facility
Purchase order generation and processing- LPO, Emergency

More Ancillary modules

What makes Medinous your best decision ever

  • Robust product perfected over a couple of decades with extensive R&D and innovation
  • Presence in 14+ countries
  • Excellent customer support
  • Long standing customers with decades of relationship
  • Fully compliant with highly configurable Billing and Insurance Modules
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hospital information system software